Introducing Yourself | 20 Useful Phrases for Every Situation | Video Transcript

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Video Transcript

Hi there! Welcome to my video on introducing yourself in English. Whether you're meeting someone for the first time or giving a presentation, knowing how to introduce yourself effectively is an important skill. In this video, we'll be going over 20 useful phrases that you can use in any situation.

Now let's learn phrases.


Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening

Starting the conversation

How are you?
I'm fine, thank you. How are you?
Nice to meet you.

Sharing your name

My name is [Your Name].
It's nice to meet you, [Their Name].

Stating your occupation or role

I'm a [Your Occupation/Role].
I work as a [Your Occupation/Role].

Providing a brief overview of your background or interests

I'm from [Your Country/City].
I'm interested in [Your Interests].

Asking questions

What do you do?
Where are you from?
What are you interested in?

Expressing pleasure in meeting someone

It was nice meeting you.
It was a pleasure to meet you.

Saying goodbye

See you later
See you around

Expressing interest in staying in touch

I hope to see you again soon.
Let's stay in touch.

By using the phrases in this video, you'll be well on your way to introducing yourself effectively in any situation.

You learned examples of sentences to introduce yourself. You can practice in the comments.